Harvest Season 2016
The last couple of months were especially busy at Adirondack Winery, and navigating our way through harvest season was an incredible experience! We brought in nine different kinds of grapes over the last two months for eight different wines and even saved some for a sweet experiment! We can't wait to see how these 2016 vintages turn out!
The first grapes of the season arrive ... Baco Noir!
...and it begins!
Passing Baco Noir grapes through the automatic grape crusher and de-stemmer. CLICK HERE to watch it in action!
Stems are gone, time to let the wine ferment!
CLICK HERE to watch (and hear) fermentation in action!
Brad stirs while the wine ferments. Fermenting with the grape skins allows more control over the color of the wine.
Getting every last grape into the press.
It's raining wine!
Time for white wine grapes!
View from the grape bin.
Mike puts the cleaned grape crusher back together ... ready for Chardonnay!
Round one through the grape press, ready for more!
Moving Chardonnary straight from the press into barrels for aging.
We set aside a couple bins of Cabernet Franc grapes to test out a batch of iced wine.
Hope the experiment works out!
Even more ... CLICK HERE for a look back at when our brand new wine making equipment arrived!