Adirondack Winery - Blog - Why It Pays to Be in the Club! Skip to content
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Adirondack Winery

Roberto Cruz
July 3, 2019 | Roberto Cruz

Why It Pays to Be in the Club!

A few months back, your favorite winery sent its Club Members a survey to find out what they thought about their Club benefits. 

The answers didn't come as much of a surprise - you want to save money on your favorite wines and you want cool perks for being a loyal Club customer. 

In June, we updated our Club Benefits to reflect this input. We still offer the best wine discounts in the game - up to 25% off for Gold Club - but now we are stepping up the rest of it even more. 

In addition to FREE monthly wine tastings for Case & Gold Club, they get even better tastings (Upgraded & Ultimate, respectively) during Club Weekends. 

All Club Members will soon receive a membership card, a new brochure and a quarterly newsletter with exclusive savings - we gave them $10 off a case of wine during the last Club Weekend. 

We are also in the early phases of a branding refresh on our Wine Clubs. Now known as The ADK Wine Club, we plan to adopt a more attractive packaging, exclusive coupons from Lake George area businesses and more. In addition to 4 installments of 3 ADK Winery wines (pickup or delivery), Wine Club members also get quarterly wine tastings for them and up to 3 friends, and all the special discount coupons Club Members receive during Club Weekend. 

Plus, we have done away with the Case Club renewal period in November/December. Now Case Club just needs to have a total of 24 bottles by the end of the year to renew - 36 for Gold Club! 

If you haven't been over to, click here to see the full list of new Club benefits. Have questions or concerns? Reach out to us at to share your thoughts! 

We are so grateful for our Club Members - and if you aren't a Club Member yet, we hope you join soon to get the best prices on your favorites like Soaring Strawberry, Amethyst Sunset and more. Cheers! 


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